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8 Benefits Of Linux OS

8 Benefits Of Linux OS

8 Benefits Of Linux OS

Linux is a small and a fast-growing operating system. However, we can’t term it as software yet. As discussed in the article about what can a Linux OS do Linux is a kernel.

Now, kernels are used for software and programs. These kernels are used by the computer and can be used with various third-party software which derive the functions of an operating system. There are various forms of software for a Linux OS, which targets a specific activity or activity.

8 Benefits Of Linux OS

Although the Linux is still not designated as an operating system, it can be used along with various forms of software and hardware. The OS many benefits, some of the very best are mentioned below:

  1.  Free: The best benefit of using Linux is that you can download this from the web easily. You do not need to pay a single penny for this brilliant software.Download it and load it! It is advised that you make donations to the favorite programs at least, to let the developers grow.
  2. Virus Free: Viruses are usually developed for the Windows OS. Most viruses are developed through Active X, which is usually not found in Linux. The same principle applies to other viruses such as spyware, Trojans, and worms. However, there is some malware which can infect your Linux system, but then again there is a security feature to save you from this. Every program is it an application, or a virus needs to be authorized by a person with administrator privileges. This authorization is required by the program to run. So as long as you do not type in your password and authorize it, the virus won’t run.
  3. Can be installed easily: You can install Linux on any kind of hardware, that much has been discussed. But do you know that you can even load it on an older computer and make it run as though it were new? You can even load it on a Pentium III and do the most basic things on the computer such as browsing the internet and emailing.
  4. Variety of Distros: Distros are software packages. These packages can be used to for distribution purpose and can be used to load different features and verities on the computer. Find more on com.
  5. Stable: Linux operated systems are quite stable. Your computer will not freeze up as other computers do.
  6. Free to Do What you Like: Linux is an open source system. You can add new features, customize some features and delete the things you do not like. All you would have to do is to write up the code and make the relevant changes. There are no restrictions and limitations with this operating system.
  7. Flexibility: The fact that Linux allows a developer or user to make various changes to the operating system, it becomes especially flexible for the user to do things. The developer or the user can use the computer to its full potential. Also, you do not need to spend time and money on procuring a software license to run this.
  8. Network Support: Linux was developed by a group of developers over the internet. Therefore, network support was especially taken care of. You will not face any problems with network connections when you use Linux.

Linux OS is a little difficult to handle if you have no prior knowledge of computer systems and coding. But if you get used to some basic requirements, you too will be able to taste the benefits of a Linux OS.